Browning, Traver Family

winter games

january 2032
previous update
Luca Browning (36 years), Nadia (35 years), Kai (15 years), Mavis (8 years), Clio (4 years), Thea (4 years)

Kai is learning to drive with his permit, just as a winter storm moves in. Luca insists he will be fine, and that he needs the practice in inclement weather. Nadia didn’t feel as confident being a passenger, so she gladly allowed Luca to take the reins.

When they get back, Thea and Clio are outside playing in the snow.

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Browning, Traver Family

budding imaginations

previous update
(Browning Household Profile)
Luca (34 years), Nadia (33 years), Kai (13 years), Mavis (6 years), Thea (2 years), Clio (2 years)

The last few years had brought a great deal of chaos to the Browning household. Nadia’s bookstore would celebrate its fourth anniversary in May, and it finally seemed to be making a steady income. They weren’t going to retire like a Rockfeller this lifetime, but it was enough.

Kai had started working part-time, mostly the weekends. His Mom didn’t mind if his friends stopped by as long as they weren’t rowdy. Books were a shared passion for Kai and his Mom, and he didn’t mind helping out; it didn’t hurt that it gave him an income to spend on more books.

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Births, Browning

welcome little ones

February 2027
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(Browning Household Profile)
Luca Browning (32 years), Nadia (31 years), Kai (10 years), Mavis (3 years)

Dr. Morgan had ordered Nadia to be induced the next day, but the twins were on their way during the early morning hours. Kai and Mavis had already been dropped off at Erin’s house in preparation for the next morning, and they had been thoroughly enjoying their night without kids. Probably too much enjoyment, as the twins were now en route.

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Browning, Traver Family

tulips in spring

may 2026
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(Browning Household Profile)
Luca Browning (31 years), Nadia (30 years), Kai (10 years), Mavis (3 years)

narrated by: Nadia

Luca has thoroughly enjoyed raising Mavis, and teaching her things that Kai already knew when we started dating. Unfortunately, I don’t think Mavis got the memo, and she’s often rather distracted when he’s trying to impress onto her something great like a nursery rhyme.

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Browning, Traver Family

everything seems perfect

august 2023
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(Browning Household Profile)
Luca Browning (28 years), Nadia (27 years), Kai (7 years), Mavis (2 months)

narrated by: Nadia

Mavis joined our family, and it feels like she’s always been apart of it. Everything is different from when Kai was a baby, I raised him alone without his Dad coming by much, and now I have Luca who helps out above and beyond. She is such a happy gem, just like Kai had been, which I take full credit for, and Luca is happy to oblige me. I’ve been told he was rather melancholy and soulful as a child, and so far that is not Mavis.

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